Celestial City

4 min readNov 24, 2015


River of Life by Leonid Afremov

For most of us, heaven is an abstract thing. Perhaps it is just a state of being. When you are good and happy, then you experience a piece of heaven even here on earth. But the Bible tells us heaven is an actual location with physical manifestations. Science has proven the existence of at least two heavens — the first heaven, which is the atmosphere around the earth, and the second heaven, which is the universe outside earth. The third heaven (2 Corinthians 12:2 NIV), which is God’s dwelling place (Acts 7:49) does exist just like the first and second heavens.

Futuristic travel agencies and space developers are now accepting reservations for tours and residencies in planet Mars which is in the second heaven, of which science has still no complete data. But the third heaven is already developed and waiting for its citizens — us. We are just pilgrims on earth. This is not our true home. Now we know that if the earthly tent is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands (2 Corinthians 5:1 NIV).

Third Heaven

It is beneficial to establish the physical reality of the third heaven in our consciousness, so we will take seriously our future citizenship. Christ himself told us, “In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it was not so, I would have told you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am (John 14:2–3 NIV). Already, I have this dream address —

Lynne, the Faithful

8th Mansion 12th Gate

Celestial City

In Revelation 21, heaven is described as a majestic city that will descend on earth after the thousand-years reign of Christ and final battle against evil. The heavenly city is square, its wall is made of jasper, the city itself is made of pure gold. The twelve foundations of the city wall are decorated with precious stones. The twelve gates are made of pearl. The street of the city is made of pure gold, transparent like glass. There is no night. The glory of God gives it light. The great river of life flows from the throne of God down the main street. On each side of the river stands the tree of life bearing twelve crops and yielding fruit every month. The leaves are for healing. The people will serve God and reign with Him forever.

Ultimate Makeover

All whose names are written in God’s Book of Life will be allowed to enter the heavenly city. It is simple to make a reservation — Believe and accept Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord now, ask forgiveness for sins and then live a new life of freedom and righteousness. On this day, your name will be written in the Book of Life. No one comes to the Father except through His Son. It seems simple enough. What is difficult is dying to our old self and being born again each day, as we struggle to obey God’s will for our life. We learn to be faithful as we pray for strength from God and His Holy Spirit in-fills us, guides and intercedes for us in moans too deep for words.

Everyday we are being renewed. Because Jesus Christ resurrected, so we will also. We are awaiting the extreme makeover. The bodies of faithful believers who died, will be made flawless and immortal; and will reunite with their spirits (1 Corinthians 15: 42–44 NIV). We will all be changed in the twinkling of an eye at the sound of the last trumpet, clothed with immortality, able to achieve what we failed to do while still on earth.

Life of Adventure

A life of adventure awaits us in heaven. David Jeremiah preaches in his radio program “Turning Point” (DZAS 9:00 PM) that heaven is never boring because God is not boring. He is the author of all fun and joy. He made our bodies with all senses sensitive to pleasure, covered us with skin whose nerve endings delight in various stimuli. He gave us minds that hunger for knowledge endlessly and hearts that long for eternity. We are not boring. After resurrection, we are definitely transformed individuals, configured to be loving, filled with power and wisdom, and a delight to be with. We will have occupations in heaven. We will continue our passions. Bakers will bake, chefs will cook ever new and exotic dishes, botanists will study all the flowers and plants, athletes and dancers will perform, mentors will teach and poets will weave words with great power and mystery. We will fellowship with one another, even with great personalities from various historical eras.

Above all, the ultimate joy is to be with God, bask in the glow of His majestic presence filled with awe and love. The thrills of first love, first kiss, first dance, cuddling our newly born baby, writing a book, night flight with the stars on plane window, sunrise in foreign country and more will be bundled in unending stream of pleasures, with tender ache in our hearts and tears of joy in our eyes.

Scan to read more from my Worship Journal

Celestial City

by Cymbeline Refalda-Villamin

Published in Philippine Panorma, 20 April 2014

